Day program is a 6 hour day unless the individual attending chooses to have a shorter day. Milestones is vendored through North Bay Regional Center and also provides transportation to, from, and into the community.
Day Program Choices Include:
Day program is a 6 hour day unless the individual attending chooses to have a shorter day. Milestones is vendored through North Bay Regional Center and also provides transportation to, from, and into the community.
Day Program Choices Include:
Milestones of Development is working with HCBS consultants to expand person-centered choices including work, volunteer opportunities and increase in community access if chosen.
Students from Gurnick Academy and Napa College have interned in the past and hope to start the internships again once it is safe to do so.
We have nursing staff on site at the day program to assist with care plans, staff training and ensure all doctor orders are followed. Milestones’ day program accepts people with g-tubes, seizure disorder, oxygen, and catheter needs.